Купить роутер Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro для дома или работы.
Роутер Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro легко справляется с поставленными задачами – работа, серфинг в интернете, трансляция видео, игры.
Роутер Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro оснащен 4 антеннами, является двухдиапазонным 2.4 ГГц и 5 ГГц.
Поддерживает стандарты 802.11b/g/n/ac.
Роутер Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro Оборудован 3 дополнительными Ethernet-портами с пропускной способностью до 1 Гбит/сек и USB портом, позволяющий подключить принтер, МФУ или внешний жёсткий диск.
Поддержка протоколов сети PPPoE/ PPTP/ L2TP.
На роутере Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro удобный и функциональный графический интерфейс.
Обзор роутера Xiaomi Mi R3P Pro :
Juan Carlos –
I was looking for a router for my house and all the solution I found was so expensive or not useful. And I found this router and for this price you can do all you can expect about a router and even more you can connect hard drive. The lonely thing I like to see for next version it’s English interface but use google translate and profite-Very fast Router-4 Gigabit Ethernet connections (1x WAN and 3x LAN) many ports to use facilitate the distribution of -Easy to use with a manual explanatory (a pity to be in Chinese)-User Interface Pro is cool. It is easily translated with Google Translate. Right on the first page you can decide between making an extension of your wired or wireless connection, through the WDS function. -Don’t worry too much-Allows good management of computers in your network.I was looking for a router for my house and all the solution I found was so expensive or not useful. And I found this router and for this price you can do all you can expect about a router and even more you can connect hard drive. The lonely thing I like to see for next version it’s English interface but use google translate and profite-Very fast Router-4 Gigabit Ethernet connections (1x WAN and 3x LAN) many ports to use facilitate the distribution of -Easy to use with a manual explanatory (a pity to be in Chinese)-User Interface Pro is cool. It is easily translated with Google Translate. Right on the first page you can decide between making an extension of your wired or wireless connection, through the WDS function. -Don’t worry too much-Allows good management of computers in your network.I was looking for a router for my house and all the solution I found was so expensive or not useful. And I found this router and for this price you can do all you can expect about a router and even more you can connect hard drive. The lonely thing I like to see for next version it’s English interface but use google translate and profite-Very fast Router-4 Gigabit Ethernet connections (1x WAN and 3x LAN) many ports to use facilitate the distribution of -Easy to use with a manual explanatory (a pity to be in Chinese)-User Interface Pro is cool. It is easily translated with Google Translate. Right on the first page you can decide between making an extension of your wired or wireless connection, through the WDS function. -Don’t worry too much-Allows good management of computers in your network. Setup wasn’t the easiest for me because English is not a system language option by default. If you don’t speak Chinese, you’ll need to either ➔ Use a service such as Google Translate when accessing the router’s page ➔ Install firmware that will let you use the router’s page in English. This isn’t too difficult. The Mi Wifi app is in English, but it lacks some features and is not fully translated. *This isn’t a con as such, but remember that you will need a separate modem in order to operate this device standalone. You may also need credentials from your ISP. Please research this before purchasing. This router is definitely an excellent choice and performs really well. Would recommend!
Rajesh –
Well today no one can imagine office or home without internet and WiFi…internet and WiFi is not option now days but a must have devices.there are great router available in market but mi (Xiaomi) router beats most of them especially the price range mi router is offering..one can have a great throughput…home or office will be under WiFi blanket..two WiFi frequencies…leave no dead spot…but this is one part. Another part is management…this routers management options are huge…one can have so many controls like guest WiFi, wireless access point, bandwidth control, user connection notification, perantal control, and the most important Remote acsess…yes you can access all the features remotely…only drawback is it’s sometimes display buttons in Chinese (browser based)..but good thing is it’s android app is in full English and everything is there…oh yes this router is equipped with 1 TB HDD all built in…and one can acsess it as Nas… (network attached storage) you can add, delete, of format it remotely too…no router can beat it in functions and price range.. -It is expensive for my budged (I spent 20€ for mi router 3) but worth every cent I spent. Now I can have very fast & reliable router. -I wish Xiaomi could do something about this language barrier for most of their products. Interface is in chinese as well you can upgrade miwifi for chinese version which looks very good and useful but I can not understand; therefore I have to go back to normal MiWifi version which is really simple :/ hope they improve it as well
Andrew –
This router has significantly improved our home WiFi. For ordering pizza to watching 4K video, this router can handle it all. • Fast link speed with devices. Especially so on the 5Ghz band in close proximity. • Smooth and consistent performance. So far, no crashes or issues. • Devices pair quickly. • Works great even if there are many devices connected. • Impressive range on the 2.4 GHz band. There are no ‘dead spots’ in my home. • The accompanying mobile app, Mi Wifi, lets you check statistics and change simple settings. Handy! • The design of this router was not an afterthought. Both the packaging and product feel premium and look great. • Easy connection with PPPoE. • Prompt delivery that was quicker than estimated. • Fast Ethernet ports. La configuración a través de web está en chino pero desde el chrome puede traducirse fácilmente al español sin problema. La traducción es muy correcta.
Hubert –
Podłączyłem router do miernika żeby sprawdzić zużycie prądu. Przy włączonych obu interfejsach radiowych, przy podłączonym wanie kablowo, przy zwykłej pracy (tak jak teraz – przeglądam internet), zużycie prądu jest na poziomie 4W. Serio ciężko jest znaleźć za takie pieniądze sprzęt o takich parametrach. Oczywiście można by było trochę pomarudzić – a to ktoś chciałby wymienić anteny, a to ktoś chciał by mieć więcej złącz ethernetu, a to kolor nie taki (pisałem już że ten router jest biały?), a to ktoś chciał by złącze SATA lub więcej złącz USB… Przecięty Kowalski nawet nie zauważy tych rzeczy bo nie będzie miał potrzeby z nich korzystać. Jest szybkie radio? Jest. Jest USB bo ktoś chce podłączyć pendrie z fotkami ryby którą złowił w zeszły weekend? Jest. Jest szybki gigabit żeby podłączyć NAS? Jest.Zdaję sobie sprawę że weekend to za mało żeby go kompletnie ocenić, jak również z tego że każdy człowiek ma różne potrzeby. Nadal jednak myślę że ten naprawdę znakomicie sprawdzi się w domu, zwłaszcza że jest tani, a sądząc po wypowiedziach na forum jest to jedno z pierwszych i najważniejszych kryteriów przy wyborze routera. Po co kupować dwa routery (dobry i tani) jak można mieć jeden, można mieć kupić takie Xiaomi…Obecnie dostępne jest LEDE w wersji rozwojowej. Przenoszenie wsparcia do wersji stabilnej lekko mija się z celem, bo w wersji rozwojowej jest nowszy kernel, nowsze sterowniki a i tak trwa coraz więcej rozmów na temat wypuszczenia następnej wersji stabilnej. Więc w niedługim czasie powinniśmy dostać ostateczną wersję oprogramowania. Jeżeli ktoś nie chce LEDE może pozostać przy oryginalnej wersji chińskiej (jest odpowiednia aplikacja mobilna po angielsku do zarządzenia routerem), może też wgrać różne rosyjskie modyfikacje.Całość podsumował bym jednym zdaniem: brać póki jeszcze są. no english software for web-browser administration panel
Max –
Xiaomi has added a line of its wireless routers, introducing Xiaomi Mi Router 3G. To mobile communications, it has essentially nothing to do with it, it is an advanced version of the popular and excellent router Xiaomi Mi Router 3 . Do not be misled by the cost and simple appearance. Xiaomi Mi Router 3G is, without exaggeration, a devilish creation. No matter how you use it, Xiaomi Mi Router 3G has its own goal – to punish for sins any medium-range router. Powerful SoC MediaTek MT7621AT (MIPS32 1004K) with two 880 MHz cores and two streams for each, 256 MB of DDR3 RAM, 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports, USB 3.0 port, 128 MB of SLC flash memory, 2.4 GHz MIMO Wi-Fi 2×2 (up to 300 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz MIMO 2×2 (up to 867 Mbit / s). This router comes in the fetters of a special Chinese version of OpenWrt (like all Xiaomi routers).In the tests, the implementation of USB 3.0 is honest. The processor capacity is sufficient for any tasks. Loaded – downloading the torrent via Transmission + 1 client with IPTV over Wi-Fi + 1 Ethernet client with Samba video viewing (BDRip 12GB) Ethernet + 2 clients via Wi-Fi web browsers – like seeds. Important note. In the settings there is a function to disable USB 3.0, USB interface will work on the standard 2.0. The same function is in the stock firmware, and in the router Xiaomi Router Pro. This is due to the fact that the operation of USB 3.0 can worsen the operation of Wi-Fi in the 2.4 GHz band. I did not encounter this. But on the forums there are reviews of people who have faced such a problem. Only Chinese. However, you can find firmware in English, German, and Russian – and reflash it
Asset –
Лучший двух-диапазонный гигабитный роутер по соотношению цена/качество!Если ваш провайдер не предоставляет услуги IPTV и вы не хотите мучиться с перепрошивкой роутера на PADAVAN то это ваш выбор!В условиях городского многоквартирного дома эфир 2,4ГГц всегда будет загрязнен другими устройствами: соседскими роутерами, bluetooth, DECT телефонами, микроволновыми печами из-за чего ваша беспроводная сеть никогда не будет быстро работать. Для ускорения работы wi-fi сети необходимо переходить на диапазон 5ГГц.Роутер имеет гигабитные WAN и LAN порты. Поддержка роутером стандарта 802.1ac позволяет подключать устройства на скорости до 867Мб/с.С помощью приложения Mi WiFi можно смотреть какие устройства находятся в сети, например, когда ребенок вернулся из школыБлагодаря хорошим антеннам стабильный 5ГГц сигнал через две газобетонные стеныПлюсы устройства:- Цена за скорость 867Мб/с по Wi-FI и гигабитный WAN- Поддержка 2,4 и 5ГГц, поддержка стандарта 802,1ac- Наличие USB 3.0 порта для подключения внешнего диска или флешки- Легкий и удобных удаленный мониторинг работы роутера, а так же устройств подключенных к нему- Роутер можно перепрошить на альтернативную прошивку от PADAVAN для тех кому нужен дополнительный функционал (IP TV. Torrent, DLNA)- Отлично справляется с задачами сетью до 15 устройств Из минусов:- Родная прошивка не может работать с IPTV, DLNA- WEB интерфейс только на китайском- Только два LAN порта- Блок питания рассчитан на китайскую розетку, правда магазин заботливо положил переходник, видно на фотографии
mirtillo68 –
cercavo un router di facile configurazione e l’ho finalmente trovato. non solo: è anche molto bello e costruito bene. la configurazione è stata semplicissima e molto intuitiva e la qaulità del segnale è sensibilmente migliorata. xiaomi the best!!!! L’ho consigliato ad alcuni amici che lo compreranno senz’altro su gearbest. spedizione veloce e accurata. ho installato anche la app per controllarlo con il cellulare il che rende molto semplice il suo utilizzo. e’ un ottimo prodotto in linea con la qualità xiaomi. sarebbe bello anche se costruito in altri colori fermo restando che bianco è molto elegante e siinserisce bene nell’arredo. molto migliore peraltro rispetto ad altri apparecchi di maggior prezzo. lo consiglio vivamente. acquisti su gearbest sempre covenienti e di rara qualità…..
B. Bell –
I seriously waffled on buying a new Wi-Fi router as so many seemed to have issues of one form or another that created doubts, was when I realized how confused and messed up the reviews are getting on Amazon, i didn’t think I would have to track down the reviews for this specific model in order to get a somewhat reasonable idea of what to expect, courteous and got it fixed in a few short minutes, without having to break the bank I have a new modem saving me money every month and a new Wi-Fi home router that breezes through everything I throw at it, i have a smaller network so I’m not pushing this by any means
Brenda Torgersen –
I have gone through many wifi routers in my long lifetime but this is the easiest to set up and best performing, i have now had a high price Asus router which has always been a pain to set up and configure used for several years, signal strength is also very good, the only drawback is that it does stand higher than other routers I have used but outstanding performance outweighs that